Its Sale time at enticing icing! To make way for some new stock as well as lots of new designs I am having a sale on all my large pre-made icing toppers with discounts of up to 30%. There are lots of designs on offer (most in sets of a dozen minimum) with prices starting at $4.75 a dozen, so if you are interested please just send me an email and I can let you know what I currently have made and you can collect over the weekend at the following markets or I can set up an etsy listing for you if you are not a local (with the discount applied).
Offer does not include shipping, custom orders or gift vouchers (it is on ready made stock only)

If you can't make it on Friday night and are looking for a fun day out for the whole family on Saturday, pop on over and visit us at the Red Hill Fair. I will be joined by lots more lovely BrisStylers so make sure you stop by and say hello!
In other news I have lots to share but its been busy times with work, sickness, kids etc at our place but hopefully I will be back once this crazy weekend is over to share lots of news and updates with you!
Enjoy, Bel x